Wayne State College
Wildcat Catholic
412 E 8th St.
Wayne, NE 68787
*Please check St. Mary's Website for Mass time changes and Holiday schedules*
Mass Schedule
Monday- 5:15pm
Tuesday- 5:15pm
Wednesday- 5:15pm
Thursday- 5:15pm (Summer)
8:00pm (School year)
Friday- 8:15am
Saturday- 5:00pm
Sunday- 7:30am & 11:00am (Student Mass)
We are glad you are here
We are the Catholic club on Wayne State College's campus. We have a variety of different events, such as bible studies, weekly community nights, service events, dances, choir, and so much more!
Join our GroupMe to stay the most up-to-date:
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WSC Wildcat Catholic
Here are the new t-shirts for the 2024-2025 academic school year for Wildcat Catholic.
The t-shirts are $5 each. Please fill out the form in the following link to receive one. You can also find more information like payment details in the form as well.
Link for t-shirt form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftkzhAIYt9LTt1CyEsk0CdnsweY8sv_CwWCw5e4KmzpefjgA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0